"Brother……? Are you my older brother?”

Curiously, Riva burst into tears as soon as she saw Count Lucius Hart's face. The skills she learned most quickly during her long hours of traveling the streets was none other than false acting.

“Are you really Riya?”

Lucius asked with his characteristic slow gaze. In fact, the moment she saw the Count’s face for the first time, Riva was very surprised. It was because he was such a handsome man that he could charm a woman at once. Dark brown hair rested on his straight forehead. Beautifully sparkling eyes as if embedded in jewels, and transparent skin as if even his veins could be seen. Finely extended eyebrows and distinct features made people enchanted by him in an instant.

Riva pretended to wipe her tears by lowering her head to hide her blushing face involuntarily. Soon there sniffles were heard from all over the place. The count's employees who were watching eventually burst into tears. Riva's performance was so perfect that it was enough to be seen as a touching reunion for a family separated by an accident as a child.

Lucius, who was sitting in the office chair, strode towards Riva with his long legs. She didn’t know what kind of perfume he was using, but as he approached, a subtle scent followed. Before she could feel his scent at the tip of her nose, Lucius reached out and clasped Riva's thin chin. Then he turned her face back and forth.

Eyes of the same color met each other. The color of their eyes was so similar that it was believable that they were of the same bloodline.

“Lucius Br, brother…….”

Riva's voice calling out to Lucius was pathetic. Contrary to her act of facing him with a gaze of confidence, her heart was beating loudly. It was because she thought he would notice at once that she was not his real sister. But she never escaped Lucius's tenacious gaze. After all, all her life, she had been living in the gutter itself. She could no longer back down or escape. There was no other option, except to die or collapse. And finally…….

“You really look alike.”

The words she desperately wanted to hear came out of Lucius's mouth. Finally, Riva smiled brightly.

“I realized it the moment I saw my brother’s face. We really…… do look alike!”

“How have you been living alone?”

Lucius held her tightly in her arms without questioning her much. Riva was breathless as she embraced his firm and wide chest. Because it was her first time being held in the arms of a man. However, no matter how fake it was, she thought that she should not show shyness as he would become her older brother in the future. Riva mustered up the courage to wrap her arms around Lucius's waist. Lucius's waist was very hard, as if she was hugging a giant tree.

“…… I made a living doing this and that.”

“You could have become a street prostitute. Wasn’t there a lot of temptation?"

With that said, Lucius's gaze, scanning Riva's face and body, became instantly explicit. Perhaps because he was born a nobleman, he had the power to immobilize people with just his eyes.

“Of course there were many temptations, but……. Still, in the corner of my heart, I always had the desire to be honest. Although I suffered from the nightmare of poverty and hunger every day, I persevered. I didn't want to do anything embarrassing to myself, brother."

To her, her false acting to live was like her life’s calling. There was no hesitation in Riva's face as she was deceiving the noble Count.

“Why haven’t you come home before?”

“…… After the accident, I couldn't remember anything. It wasn’t until I saw the portrait in the flyer that I realized my existence.”

“What name have you lived by until now?”

“Riva. There is no last name. I was wandering the streets.”

“My sister’s name was Riya Hart.”

“Riya Hart……. Ah, I think I might remember...….”

Riva gripped her hair and frowned. She tried her best to play Riya, who lost her memory after the carriage accident.

“That’s enough. You don't have to force yourself to find your old name. Whether you're Riva or Riya, the fact that you're my little sister doesn't change. I’ll call you Riva until you get used to this place."

"Why. You are so thoughtful, brother.”

“Welcome back. My dear sister, Riva.”

Lucius smiled brightly and kissed the back of Riva's hand. The sweet smile shook Riva's heart again. It was the moment when she realized that she was very weak to a handsome man.

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